- An Enrolment form must be fully completed and signed for each family.
- Medical needs or conditions, requirements and any associated medicals/ action plans must be disclosed/ provided to Big Childcare before the child attends the program or, if diagnosed once enrolled, before the next attendance.
- Bookings are required for all programs. This allows Big Childcare to have time for correct staffing and planning. Last minute or “walk in” bookings may not be accepted if staffing ratios do not allow it.
- Casual bookings will incur an additional fee.
- Invoices and Statements are issued no later than Sunday for sessions during the course of current week.
- Automated Direct Debits are processed each Monday.
- Declined Direct Debit payments must be paid in full by close of business that Wednesday,
- Non-payment of fees and charges will result in suspension from Big Childcare until payment is made.
- Any costs associated with recovery of debt will be passed onto the family.
- Big Childcare reserves the right to require payments in advance if recurring debt issues arise with enrolments.
- Bookings and notification of absence can be made via the Xap Smile App, and directly to the service. Bookings, absences, and cancelations made directly to the service should be made in writing.
- Notification of absences to any session should be provided before the start of that session.
- Non-communication of absences may result in a Non-Communication Fee ($50 per instance at the discretion of the Service Manager/ Coordinator or Head Office Representative).
- In the event of continued inappropriate behaviour, Guardians/ parents may be called to collect a child.
- In the case of serious inappropriate behaviour, after appropriate behaviour guidance procedures have been followed, Guardian/ Parents will be notified, and the child may be removed or suspended for a period time or excluded permanently from the service.
- Permanent recurring bookings which coincide with a public holiday during school term will be subject to regular session charges.
- No cancellations are permitted for permanent recurring bookings that fall on a public holiday during school term.
- Late fees apply to parents/guardians arriving after the closure of the service. A fee of $15 per 15 minutes or part thereof will be charged per child.
- Cancellations for bookings in before and after school care and curriculum days need to be made 2 business days in advance not to incur absent fees.
- Cancellations are not permitted for School Holiday Programs after the close of business on the last day of the term preceding the School Holiday Program.
- Any booking alterations to School Holiday bookings must be made before the close of business on the last day of term.
- Any additional School Holiday bookings requested will be subject to staffing ratios and any excursion venue or transportation caps and may not be accepted.
- If your child does not attend any of the days they have been booked in for, absence fees will apply.
- Refunds cannot be given if your child(ren) is absent during the school holiday period.
- Medical certificates for illness/ injury can only be accepted for before and after school care and curriculum/ student free sessions during regular school term dates.
- The program cannot accept a sick child. If your child requires medication whilst attending the program, parents are required to label medication with the child’s name, time and dosage required in the original packaging and must complete a medication consent form. Due to staffing and program costs, medical certificates cannot be accepted during the School Holiday Program period for sick children.
- Parents/Guardians are advised to read the program details everyday their child(ren) is attending.
- All information regarding the specifics of the School Holiday Program can be found in the School Holiday brochure and on our website.
- All excursions leave at 8:30am unless otherwise advertised and return by 3:30pm unless otherwise stated, exact times will be communicated by your Centre.
- Please ensure your child(ren) is wearing appropriate clothing and footwear for the day’s activities and any additional clothing is provided, for example bathers and jackets. (The program activities are accurate at time of printing.)
- Please note: Big Childcare recommends the “Slip Slop Slap Seek Slide” policy during the September and January holiday programs and during School Terms 1 and 4 or when UV rating is above 3. Please refer to cancer.org.aufor details.
- Every day your child(ren) must bring their lunch, snack, and drinks.
- Money is not permitted unless specified on the Holiday Program brochure or instructed by Big Childcare management.
- Breakfast is provided between 7:00am-8:00am daily.
- Big Childcare reserves the right to change the activities where necessary.
- Risk assessments of excursions have been completed and ratios are generally 1:15 or lower if required by specific jurisdictions’ assessment or Executive Management.
- Big Childcare reserves the right to change an incursion/excursion without notice should circumstances arise that prevent us from running the scheduled activity safely, for example, bad weather, changes to beach conditions. In the event this does occur communications will be sent to families detailing the change.
- Transport for excursions will be predominantly by bus.
- Big Childcare does not accept any liability for personal damage or loss sustained by any participant as a result of his/her participation in a program due to any cause unless negligence of Big Childcare, it’s directors or employees is proven.
- Big Childcare staff will Endeavor to obtain any medical assistance required as they see fit and any expenses will be the responsibility of the family.
- Big Childcare will retain and store enrolment information on a confidential database and can be removed if requested.
- Big Childcare reserves the right to amend or change these terms and conditions at any time.